Monday, May 25, 2009

Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It......

Farmer Boy has his work cut out for him! We want all these seeds planted, in the next five days! Too bad it's raining today, no planting today; but yeah, it's raining today so what is in will get a good soak! Farmer Boy wasn't very productive yesterday; we were at an absolutely lovely dinner party at our friends' Joe and Calla's new house the evening before. Calla is an awesome cook and they are gracious hosts. Also included in the fun were the ever-amusing Bruce and Diana. Calla made a chicken and prune dish that was incredible, and a side-dish of red quinoa stuffed in tomatoes. Yummy! It was waaaaaay past our bedtime when we got home. So, not too much went on yesterday (plus, there were Hockey Playoffs on TV). Weather predictions are better for Tuesday so hopefully some planting gets done then. Because there is still the hundred flats or so of seedlings we've started this winter........
The pile on the right in the picture is all squash. We LOVE squash: winter, summer, odd, weird - we haven't met one yet that we don't like and won't try to grow! We're growing over thirty five varieties this year and particularly the winter squash need to get in the ground now!

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